SMS Notification ================ QTPyLib supports both automatic trade notifications via SMS and custom messages (for example, when you want to SMS yourself signals without entering a trade). To specify the recipients, add the ``--sms`` flag when running your algo from the command line: .. code:: bash $ python --sms +15551230987 +447781123456 ... Now, whenever your algo generates a trade or when you send a custom SMS, these recipients will receive the notification to their phone. .. note:: To enable this functionality, you need to have an account with either `Nexmo `_ or `Twilio `_ and set an SMS Provider for your algo (refer to the `SMS Service Provider Setup <#id1>`_ section below). Trade Notifications ------------------- Trades notifications are **enabled by default** and will be sent whenever your algo makes a trade, as long as you specified recipients when running the algo. Trade notifications look like this (followed are made up prices): .. code:: 11:37:21 UTC BOT ▲ 2x ESU2016 @ 2177.0 MKT TP 2178.25 / SL 2174.75 ---- 11:39:29 UTC SLD ▼ 2x ESU2016 @ 2178.25 TGT PL +1.25 (2m 8s) ---- 12:47:29 UTC SLD ▼ 2x ESU2016 @ 2174.50 STP PL -2.50 (1h 10m 8s) Custom Notifications -------------------- Aside from automatic trade notification, you have your algo send custom messages (for example, when you want to SMS yourself signals without entering a trade). To do this, add you need to import the SMS module and add this code to your algo: .. code:: python self.sms("Look ma, custom text msg...") SMS Service Provider Setup -------------------------- To enable this functionality, you need to have an account with either `Nexmo `_ or `Twilio `_. Then, simply create a file named ``sms.ini`` in the same directory as your ```` file with the following structure: SMS Using Nexmo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ini [nexmo] key = API_KEY secret = SECRET_KEY from = FROM_NUMBER (OPTIONAL) SMS Using Twilio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ini [twilio] sid = ACCOUNT_SID token = AUTH_TOKEN from = FROM_NUMBER .. note:: If your ``sms.ini`` file contains both services, QTPyLib will use the first one listed.